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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Jews against Zionism

Contrary to the propaganda put out by Israel's supporters, Israel is NOT supported by the majority of the world's Jewish people. Ariel Sharon does not speak for all Jewish people. And being anti-Israel is not "anti-Semitic".

Please read the complete article here.

Anti-Zionism Jewish websites

Contrary to conventional thinking, not all Jews advocate the right for Israel to exist. In fact, some are more fervent than extremist Muslims and Christians in their antagonistic stand towards fellow Jews who are Zionists.

Please access:

Audio: Discover Moshiach

Presented by Rabbi Heschel Greenberg

Listen (29:25)
The difficulty Jews have with Mashiach
Listen (29:51)
The centrality of Mashiach in Judaism
Listen (29:01)
Mashiach Now! Why now more than before?
Listen (28:15)
How can we bring Mashiach?
Listen (29:43)
Why a human Messiah?
Listen (28:46)
The Messiah: Who is he?
Listen (28:49)
Mashiach: 12th Principle of Faith
Listen (29:05)
Principle of Faith: Chassidic Dimension
Listen (27:32)
The certainty of Mashiach
Listen (26:17)
Mashiach: A prophecy, A Torah concept and a Mitzvah
Listen (27:16)
The desire for Mashiach: Running away from exile
Listen (26:51)
The desire for Mashiach: Running towards Geulah
Listen (26:58)
Mashiach: From imperfection to perfection
Listen (20:39)
Mashiach: What's my name?
Listen (33:57)
Mashiach: Where is he?
Listen (25:03)
Mashiach's inner personality, one and a half Mashiachs
Listen (29:23)
The challenge in the Messianic Era
Listen (22:35)
Life in the world of redemption
Listen (22:41)
Living with Mashiach on the threshold
Listen (26:37)
Living with Mashiach - the journey
Listen (28:22)
Living with Mashiach - a new dimension of life
Listen (28:34)
Mashiach: A 'hidden' person
Listen (23:25)
Mashiach: Judaism on one foot
Listen (27:05)
Discernment: A preparation for redemption

Taken from Moshiach Online

e-Book: To Live & To Live Again

By Rabbi Nissan Dovid Dubov

The thirteenth Principle of Faith enumerated by Maimonides is belief in Techiyas HaMeisim, the Resurrection of the Dead. Resurrection figures frequently in our daily prayers and is echoed in many of our daily customs.
This book is an overview of Techiyas HaMeisim Based on the Classical Sources and on the Teachings of Chabad Chassidism is a pioneering work. It was researched, written and annotated by Rabbi Nissan Dovid Dubov, emissary of Chabad-Lubavitch to the South London Jewish community. Rabbi Dubov’s research gleans from the Tanach, Talmud, Midrash, Halachah, Kabbalah and Hassidic Philosophy, and echoes the underlying harmony of these seemingly diverse disciplines.
Chapters include: Why a bodily Resurrection? · Reincarnation · Who Will Rise · When and Where Will the Resurrection Take Place · Who Will Rise First? · Life & Mitzvot after the Resurrection